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July 12, 2024

Building Trust Through Your Podcast About Page

Today, we're diving deep into a crucial yet frequently overlooked aspect of your online presence—the About page.

It's surprising how many people forget to include essential details like their full names or make their business and podcast information clear. In this episode, we will flip the "Your audience is the hero" script on its head, the power of storytelling in connecting with your listeners, and practical tips for crafting a compelling about page whether you're a business with a podcast or a podcast-centric website.

Plus, we'll touch on invaluable resources like Don Miller's "StoryBrand" and Matthew Dicks' "Storyworthy" to help refine your storytelling skills. Stay tuned for insights that could significantly impact how you present yourself and engage with your audience online!

The Sections of A Business About Page

The sections mentioned for an effective About Us page include:

  • Characters (people behind the brand)
  • Conflict (the problem the business solves)
  • Resolution (the outcome and impact)
  • Vision for the future (where the business is going)
  • Dialog (quotations and voice of the brand)
  • Setting (context and location of the business)

The About Page of a Podcast First Website

A basic, but very useful framework is:

We help (who is your audience) do (what they need to do) so they can (benefit)

Tips From Apple

Your description should tell listeners what kind of content you talk about and explain how people can benefit from listening. If you need a little help, think about how you can convey the problem you’re trying to solve in a way that convinces listeners they should care. -Apple

Mentioned In This Episode

Join the School of Podcasting

Website Resources

Listen to Your Podcast Website

Storybrand by Donal Miller

Storyworthy by Matthew Dicks

Wes McDowell on About Page Formulas

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00:00 - None

00:37 - Your About Page Gets Traffic

01:00 - Put Your Full Name

02:02 - About Page - About Face

02:29 - Tell Your Story

02:48 - Share Your Opinion

03:10 - Give Something For People to Connect With

03:30 - The Business First About Page

04:46 - Where Are You?

06:30 - Isn't This the Heroes Journey?

07:37 - Last Week's Episode

08:27 - About Page Podcast First

11:57 - Storyworthy

13:06 - Audience Survey